Reality Is A Lonely Place

Reality is a lonely place
Is it not?
We arrive and leave without a trace
We live only to be forgot.

However, this is not a thing of sorrow
For it is the natural way
That we die, and then tomorrow
The sun rises, bringing a new day.

The world revolves without us
It needs nothing from our souls
For we become the eternal dust,
When we return to the place we used to know.

A thousand years will pass
With it, all our deeds
Save for the trees that bloom
From our planted seeds
Our names will fade
Our voices will grow silent
Our memories frayed
Whether we be a peasant or tyrant

King or pauper
Wise-manor fool
Warrior of lover
We are all minuscule
In the eyes of stars
That stretch into eternity
From the suns to the quarks
We are nothing compared to infinity,
However, let us smile on this earthly plane
Even though we are doomed to die
For when you see the stars hanging in the sky
Remember that we are their remains.